Environmental, Health, & Safety

Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS)
EHS at MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions is driven by a balanced focus on 3 key areas; Training & Education, Systems & Compliance, and Behaviors & Culture, to support our business’ commitment to excellence: Safety and Environmental consciousness is a prime objective: We are citizens of the Earth and have a responsibility to put forward our best efforts to preserve and protect our personal and collective quality of life.
Training & Education efforts enable MFCS to ensure our employees are well informed and empowered to do their jobs safely and with environmental consciousness.
Systems & Compliance focus will ensure that MFCS is current with all applicable Local, State, and Federal regulations, as well as, external certifications such as ISO 14001 and internal best practices.
Behaviors & Culture emphasis will safeguard our commitment to excellence by establishing open and honest discussion about EHS at all levels of our organization.
This approach will lead us to achieve a world class Environmental, Health, & Safety Management System that is well integrated into our overall MFCS Operational/Business Systems.